Universal Speed Hack

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Kaiju Universe [Server Crash Script] 3192

Kaiju Universe [Server Crash Script]

You increase the ping of the players as well as yourself and thereby you will destroy the server on which you are playing and everyone will leave it
PLS DONATE: Fake Donate Not FE 6105

PLS DONATE: Fake Donate Not FE

New simple PLS DONATE script. After activating the script, the script activates the function: Fake Donate, Here you go, a fake donation script for pls donate, Also its not FE!
Anime Lost Simulator: Auto Skills, Auto Attack, Auto Farm Selected Mobs 134

Anime Lost Simulator: Auto Skills, Auto Attack, Auto Farm Selected Mobs

Auto Skills is a script function designed for games in Roblox that involve a skill-based system. This script allows players to automatically level up their skills without having to manually play the game.
Adopt Me: AutoFarm Baby, CPU Usage Imporver, Auto Snowball 2368

Adopt Me: AutoFarm Baby, CPU Usage Imporver, Auto Snowball

As you already understood this script for the game Adopt Me. This script has a lot of very useful features, one of them is AutoFarm Baby, it will automatically farm money by being baby