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Field Trip Z [Kill All Players] 1135

Field Trip Z [Kill All Players]

Well, funny script for Field Trip Z mode, especially cool features does not give, does not help pass the game, but if you get bored, you can go into the game to start the game and poke fun at all the players until you get bored, kills all the players in 1 second
Deepwoken Verse 2: Keygrabber 263

Deepwoken Verse 2: Keygrabber

From my testings, currently not detected, make sure to input the correct capitalization for the first arg of getkey or u may get banned
Universal Anti Afk 134

Universal Anti Afk

this script will allow you to stay in the AFC for more than 20 minutes at any time
Horse Racing Club: Infinite Money, Infinite Exp, Auto Win Race & More 267

Horse Racing Club: Infinite Money, Infinite Exp, Auto Win Race & More

Infinite Money this script will give you an infinite amount of money in this game and you will be able to buy everything, Infinite Exp this script will give you an infinite amount of experience in this game and you will be able to open everything, Auto Win Race this feature will automatically win races in this game, Horse Speed Hacks with this feature you will be able to upgrade your horse's speed, More and other small functions.