Speedman Simulator [Auto Energy/Auto Speed/Auto rebirth]

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Anime Souls Simulator: Autofarm main quest, Auto rebirths, Auto boost potion

As you already understood this script for the game like Anime Souls Simulator. This script has a lot of very useful features, one of them is Auto rebirths
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Shindo Life Infinite Spins - Quest Farm - Rolls Farm - AutoMoney

This GUI features the following stuff! Infinite Spins, Quest Farm, Rolls Farm, AutoMoney, AutoEXP,
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Initial D: Touge Legends [Unlock cars, Walkspeed]

Initial D: Touge Legends. New nice and cool script. In this gui there are such functions as - Unlock All Cars, Disable Fog and more.
Fruit Warriors: Auto Chest Farm 1061

Fruit Warriors: Auto Chest Farm

Auto Chest Farm this script will automatically farm chests with rewards and resources, the script instantly collects all the chests.