RoVille [Taxi Auto Farm]

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extraOrdinary [Kill Aura] 300

extraOrdinary [Kill Aura]

a script thanks to which you can turn on the killwall and can easily at certain distances quickly hit the, NPC's or the player
Weapon Fighting Simulator [Auto Boss, Auto Gamble, Auto Open Boss Chest] 2273

Weapon Fighting Simulator [Auto Boss, Auto Gamble, Auto Open Boss Chest]

Weapon Fighting Simulator is a cool new feature script: Auto Boss automatically kills the boss, Open Boss Chest automatically opens the chest that falls from the boss.
Universal Hitboxes 427

Universal Hitboxes

This roblox script is universal, it is suitable for many games. This script support many functions, one of them called like Universal Hitboxes
Universal Detect Synapse Users 280

Universal Detect Synapse Users

As you already understood this roblox script is universal, it is suitable for many games. This script has a function like: Universal Detect Synapse Users, it will detect synapse users