Project Menacing: Teleports, Noclip, Auto Stand Farm

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Tower Battles [Farm Credits] 2841

Tower Battles [Farm Credits]

You'll get 20 credits each time, you can just let it run in background and do other stuff (or overnight) and you'll easily manage to make a few hundred/thousand credits in the meantime. It's probably the best possible way to autofarm on this game anyway, unless someone who has a lot of time comes and does a whole thing to automatically place towers during the game etc. (and I'm not even sure about it tbh since winning a game would take around 30 minutes from what I know and you wouldn't even win much more, maybe even less than what you'd win using the script). Make sure you have "auto-attach"
Universal: Executor Gui 185

Universal: Executor Gui

The Executor GUI is a powerful tool for running customized scripts in Roblox games. With its advanced features, players can make scripts to automate tasks like collecting and hatching eggs, making gameplay more efficient and enjoyable
Touch The Grass Simulator! [AutoHatch, KillAura] 330

Touch The Grass Simulator! [AutoHatch, KillAura]

Touch The Grass Simulator! New nice and cool script. In this script there are such functions as - Auto collect, Auto Hatch and more.
Dungeon Crusaders [Kill Aura, Fps Boost, WalkSpeed] 1081

Dungeon Crusaders [Kill Aura, Fps Boost, WalkSpeed]

3 cool features in this script, the functions: Kill Aura, Fps Boost, WalkSpeed, you can easily turn on speed and kill enemies kill aura.If you have a weak pc include fps boost