Plane crash physics 2: Spawn Any Plane

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Apeirophobia: Walkspeed, Monster ESP, Full Bright 4336

Apeirophobia: Walkspeed, Monster ESP, Full Bright

New and hot script for a game like Apeirophobia. As you can see, the script supports a large number of functions, one of them is Jump Power Slider, you can change your Jump Power.
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Math Obby | Show Correct Doors

Math Obby. New simple script. After activating the script, the script activates the function - Shows the correct doors in green
Arm Wrestle Simulator: Walk Speed, Inf Rebirth, Hatch Eggs 477

Arm Wrestle Simulator: Walk Speed, Inf Rebirth, Hatch Eggs

The Walk Speed function allows players to modify their walking speed in the game. This feature can be useful in a variety of situations, such as navigating large maps more quickly or outrunning opponents in a competitive setting
Firework Simulator: Open Gui's, Auto Open Eggs, Auto Collect Orbs 279

Firework Simulator: Open Gui's, Auto Open Eggs, Auto Collect Orbs

New and hot script for a game like Firework Simulator. As you can see, the script supports a large number of functions, one of them is Auto Farm. To enjoy the performance of this beautiful script you need: 1. Go to the desired game, it is listed below 2. Open your exploit and take out the script that is written below 3. Enjoy the script!