Duolingo Game Hub [Collect All Coins]

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Universal: Tracers, Esp Box & More 143

Universal: Tracers, Esp Box & More

Tracers is a script for the popular online game, Roblox. It enhances gameplay by providing players with the ability to track other players' movements in real-time
King Legacy: Auto Stats, Auto Skills, Auto Farm 6494

King Legacy: Auto Stats, Auto Skills, Auto Farm

The Auto Stats script function for Roblox games automatically allocates stat points to your character, allowing you to focus on gameplay without worrying about manually distributing points. This can give you an edge over other players by optimizing your character's stats for specific tasks, such as combat or exploration.
Chainsaw Man: Devil's Heart: Heart Farm 10977

Chainsaw Man: Devil's Heart: Heart Farm

Place the script in your autoexec folder. The script will then hop through servers, searching for a Devil Heart. It should detect and pick it up automatically, however, I recommend monitoring it to ensure it does. Note that you need to be in-game and tabbed in for the script to function correctly. Credit to the individuals whose server hop and webhook API were used in the creation of this script. If the script isn't clicking the play button, follow the comments below to troubleshoot and resolve the issue.
Anime Artifacts Simulator [AUTO-COINS, AUTO-FARM MORE!] 444

Anime Artifacts Simulator [AUTO-COINS, AUTO-FARM MORE!]

The script has such functions as: Auto collect coins, Air Hit, Auto-Farm with a choice of all NPCs at once, Redem all codes in general, it contains all the functions for auto-farming hiding this menu by pressing the right alt button