Bully some monater [Infiniti Stamina]

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Tapping Simulator [AutoClick, AutoRebirth] 425

Tapping Simulator [AutoClick, AutoRebirth]

Tapping Simulator. New nice and cool script. In this script there are such functions as - Auto Click, Auto Rebirth, Better Gfx.
Car Dealership Tycoon: Car Speed, Auto Farm Long Way, Auto Farm Highway 1613

Car Dealership Tycoon: Car Speed, Auto Farm Long Way, Auto Farm Highway

As you already understood this script for the game like Car Dealership Tycoon. This script has a lot of very useful features, one of them is Auto Farm Highway
Universal Vehicle [SpeedHack] 1075

Universal Vehicle [SpeedHack]

Not going to bump any games for this script but this works with any vehicle. The script is open-sourced and not optimized for re-execution.
SAITAMANIA [Auto Farm, Auto Stats] 564

SAITAMANIA [Auto Farm, Auto Stats]

The script is now in beta for you, the farm in which takes the job and runs it automatically, all the keys to control the script: "Q", "E", "R", "F".