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Saber Simulator  [Auto Swing, Auto Farm Strength, Auto Sell when Full] 742

Saber Simulator [Auto Swing, Auto Farm Strength, Auto Sell when Full]

Saber Simulator new top feature script: Auto Swing automatically swings and farms coins, Auto Sell automatically surrenders your backpack, Auto Boss automatically kills the boss.
Hunter x Online 635

Hunter x Online

Script for killing all enemies on the server!
Every Second +1 Ki in DBZ: Auto Farm, Auto Rebirth, Auto Open Eggs 170

Every Second +1 Ki in DBZ: Auto Farm, Auto Rebirth, Auto Open Eggs

Auto Farm a script that will automatically give you all the resources, money, experience and so on in this game, Auto Rebirth he will perform rebirths for you and considers himself when it is necessary, Auto Open Eggs this function will open eggs automatically at a fast pace, opens those eggs that you specified.
Universal Webhook Tools 327

Universal Webhook Tools

New nice and cool script for the different games. In this script there are such functions as: Spam Messages (Customizable Speed,Amount,Message), Edit Webhook Name, Delete Webhook, Get All Info About Webhook and more! Enjoy!