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Hotel Elephant [Give everyone 10k, Remove everyone 10k, Server Crush] 2351

Hotel Elephant [Give everyone 10k, Remove everyone 10k, Server Crush]

this is a very cool script, thanks to this you can give or take away money from all playerkv, press once and take away from all 10k, press another button +10k all, and so you can do forever, just give money only yourself, and the coolest will break the server to hell, the server will become that it would be impossible to walk on it
Pet Swarm Simulator 1665

Pet Swarm Simulator

Legit farm for this game!
Strong Katana Simulator: Auto Strenght 1585

Strong Katana Simulator: Auto Strenght

New simple script for the game like Strong Katana Simulator. After activating the script, the script activates the function Auto Strenght
Idiotic Investing: Screw Everyone 650

Idiotic Investing: Screw Everyone

New simple Idiotic Investing script. After activating the script, the script activates the function: Screw Everyone, So basically in the game you will recieve an item called a screw you can use it on a player and forces them to bid against their will the script basically does what that item does but on everyone for free no screws needed.