Universal BillboardGUI Hider


Universal BillboardGUI Hider

  • Published: rsnnc
  • Developer: Xane_MM
  • Game: Roblox Universal Script
  • 01/10/2020

    Roblox developers tend to use billboard GUI instances more often than they should, leading to a lot of text and UI elements cluttering your view, even if you're using a freecam script, trying to take pictures! When this script is executed, any existing and future BilllboardGUI instances are removed from the game. This is especially useful for roleplay and café games, which tend to not have a setting to hide these unwanted elements. Also, this script will improve other games, because it also hides players' names over their heads (the small white text created by characters' humanoids).

    Universal BillboardGUI Hider

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