Universal Aimlock


Universal Aimlock

  • Published: rsnnc
  • Developer: ThroughTheFireAndFlames#9925
  • Game: Roblox Universal Script
  • 01/10/2020

    Dev notes: I get that many people dont know about the keybind variable basically whatever.. letter you put in getgenv().Keybind for example its getgenv().Keybind = "V" it means that v is your main toggle keybind to ensure the script works press that button and it notifies you when its ON and OFF, In order for this to work, After you execute press the letter that u set in the keybind variable and make sure it says "ON" in notification and hold click in order to lock, Why? because when u are using a gun u hold click to shoot, That is way it makes sense that the activation would be by holding cli

    Universal Aimlock

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