Fling Things and People: Anti Afk, Anti Grab, Super Throw


Fling Things and People: Anti Afk, Anti Grab, Super Throw

  • Published: stormcloak51
  • Developer: spacexrandom
  • Game: Fling Things and People
  • 01/10/2020

    The Anti Afk script for Roblox is a must-have tool for any serious gamer looking to maximize their playtime. This script ensures that your character stays active in-game, even when you're away from your keyboard. With this script, you'll never have to worry about being kicked from a game for being AFK (Away From Keyboard) again. Whether you're taking a break or multitasking, the Anti Afk script will keep your character moving and engaged in the game. With its intuitive and easy-to-use interface, this script is the perfect solution for anyone who wants to stay in the game and avoid being penali

    Fling Things and People: Anti Afk, Anti Grab, Super Throw

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